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Nutritional Outreach

We stand as ONE help us feed the hungry

Mission:  To end childhood hunger by providing nutritional meals to underserved youth in underprivileged communities



Objective: Dedicated to Feeding the underprivileged by identifying the need, pooling resources, partnering with the community, strengthening our home base and implementing our plan of action. 

Image by ja ma



Throughout the year, volunteers prepare thousands of nutritional meals. Sack lunches contains a sandwich, fruit item, nutritional snack, water and juice. Volunteers distribute lunches in underprivileged communities



We affect change by feeding those that are Hungry. HUNGRY for a hot meal, HUNGRY for opportunity, HUNGRY for change, HUNGRY for a better life!







80% of your donations fund back to school backpacks,

Coat drives, Christmas giveaways & more!

We Need Your Support Today!

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